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Sound Designer: Lance Perl 

Composer: Lance Perl 

Production Sound Engineer: Kai Machuca

Asst. Sound Designer: Robin Minowicz

Deck Sound Engineer: Jordan Rodriguez

Deck Sound Engineer: Hope Medvin


Director: Raelle Myrick Hodges

Stage Manager: Cartwright Ayres

Scenic Designer: Johanna Fleischer

Lighting Designer: Lauren Lee 

Costume Design: Johnna Presby

Technical Director: Zachary Stevenson

Creative Team 

Creaive Team

Design Concept

Design Concept

Directors Notes: 

The growth of the narcissist in American society or any society has become someone to celebrate. First, teased and vilified, those that seem to 'not care what others think' are deemed inspiring. Perhaps, in many cases, worthy of leadership. But, arrogance and lack of empathy in the greatest of us is the downfall of our current societal landscape. In this word-for-word translation, we have chosen to illustrate that even those described as fringe or 'other,' can suffer from the same bad behavior when empathy, respect, and loyalty are no longer considered a virtue. Under the mask, our society has become so narcissistic that the real tragedy of "Coriolanus" is that we will claim that we never saw the downfall coming. But, in reality we did.

Sound Design: 

This sound design concept like the play was presented as a translation of the sound design that may have occurred with the original version of Coriolanus. This contemporary script and sound design were intended to be heard and understood with ease. 

The use of synthesized electronic music was meant to help bring the sound design to a modern place. There is a great deal of fluctuation heard between contemporary sounds and sounds rooted in the 1600's when the orginal version of Coriolanus would have taken place. Italian pop music was a reminder of where were are. Upon the first read of this play, it was clear that it was a timeless peice. The way we presented the show, there was not a sense of linear time but instead an overlapping of time just as there is with the way this play resonates with many era's. 


Opening Sequence

Opening Squence

Opening Squence

Play Video

Gentlewoman transition

Harp Music

Harp Music

Play Video

THe fight scene



Play Video

The Program



DrafteD by: Lance Perl 


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