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All In The Timing


Director: Catherine Barricklow

Technical Director: Justin Mosher

Lighting Designer: Andrea Boccanfuso

Sound Designer: Lance Perl


Creative Team 

Creaive Team

Design Concept

Life is going so fast. Time is passing by rapidly. Often we cease to slow down to enjoy the beauty of life around us and the shared connections within humanity. In each of the seven scenes making up this show, there is one concept that points to the greater theme. 


Sure thing - A variety of shared loves

 Words, Words, Words - The beauty of possibility

Universal Language - What happens when loneliness is eradicated

Degas - Sometimes it takes a day in someone else's shoes to see the beauty of New York

Whales - Why does everything have to be academic, why can we just enjoy life.

Philly - This is a story of self-recognition. 

Trotsky -  Seeing there is more to life at the end of the road.



Only in our shared humanity do we find connections. The sound design presented this concept by creating a reoccurring theme that will show clarity over the course of the show. 

Sound was utilized in conjunction with lighting to emphasize the climactic moments of each scene. 

Design Concapt

Sound Samples

Transitional Clock Sound Cue

There are 6 variations of this transitional sound. Each plays for about 15 seconds during the show to help "reset" the scene for the audience. Each scene is its own story and I made that clear by emphasizing certain clocks that directly pertained to the scene. For example, the scene Words Words Words has a coo coo clock that is elevated within the cue.


Many of the traditional cues have sounds associated with one particular scene. After the scene, that sound can no longer be heard. By the final transition, clarity is found within

00:00 / 01:04
00:00 / 00:33
Check out these sound design highlights

All In the Timing

All In the Timing

All In the Timing
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